About the Blooded Horse Sales Company

Blooded Horse Sales Company is the best in the Midwest, devoted to selling quality Standardbred horses at public auction. In 2017 alone, we cataloged 2973 Standardbreds at four sales held throughout the year. If you're looking to buy or sell in the future, or if you're just interested in learning more about the horse business, we invite you to browse through our site! The horse sale begins at 9:30 am each day. All horses are Standardbreds.
See our Sale Stories for highlights from recent auctions.
What does "No RNA commissions" mean?
RNA is short for Reserve bid Not Attained. The Blooded Horse Sales Company is unique in offering the cost saving advantage of not charging a commission on horses going through the ring that do not sell. If the auction price fails to meet the reserve set by the seller, and the seller retains ownership, no commission will be assessed. However, it’s important for the seller to provide the auctioneer with the written reserve prior to the horse entering the ring. Consignor buying back a horse over Proxibid does incur a 3% fee to Proxibid. For over 70 years, The Blooded Horse Sales Company has been working for sellers to put the most money in their pocket.
The Blooded Horse Sales Company
940 Pekin Pike
P.O. Box 187
Wilmore, Kentucky 40390
PHONE: (859) 858-4415
FAX: (859) 858-8498 & (859) 300-3940